Thursday, 26 November 2015

Call Yahoo Technical Support Number If Your Yahoo Account Is Hacked

Research and customer surveys carried out by several email service providers have shown that customers are still not properly informed about the chances of their email account getting hacked. Online customers are informed that the purpose of hacking is not always to steal wealth or extract confidential information and likewise. Cyber criminals and intruders are always in search of dormant or unused accounts which they can hack and then use for carrying out their hidden activities. The hacking of yahoo mail accounts help them conceals their identity which makes it extremely difficult to track them. There are a few symptoms which show that an account has been hacked, and also a few best practices which prevent accounts from getting hacked. All of these are well documented and published by the Yahoo Customer Support team on their help centres. Customers are encouraged to browse through them which would provide a basic idea on how to track the safety quotient of email accounts.
A few symptoms which customers can be on the search for include:-
a)      Sending of spam mails from the account – Customers are always encouraged to scan their sent items folder in order to locate any spam or unintended mails which have been sent from his or her email account.
b)      Browsing the account feed of user accounts – Account feeds present in user accounts contain in-depth information on the entire log in activities including the location of log in, the date and time of log in as well as the IP address of the system used to log in to the account. This information helps in identifying whether the account has been referred anywhere else.
There are other methods as well which the customer support team of Yahoo are aware of. However the basic hygiene factors which may help prevent all these external vulnerabilities are:-
a)      The password of the email account needs to changed in certain periods of time
b)      More importantly, users must have their valid and active contact information updated in the account. These are primary contact points which are used by the customer support team to reach out to customers.

However, customers are always welcome to contact the Yahoo Phone Number team for any such security related queries. All security issues are given high priority and are immediately tracked to closure. The technical experts can be contacted any time via their toll free help line number. However, owing to the massive traffic in this network, all the services are extended over email, chat as well as social media.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

If your Yahoo account issues not fix call Yahoo toll free number

Given the fact that millions of customers come online and use their email accounts for all their transaction in a day to day basis, it would become extremely difficult and cumbersome for the customer care executives to support and trouble shoot each and every issue which customers are facing. The email platform being a technical platform being used by millions to send billions of mails on a day by day basis, technical glitches cannot be done without. Moreover, different customers use their applications in their own customized manner. So, the scale of operation is huge, and the same is increasing day in and day out. Therefore the only way out to ensure that each and every customer has an enriching experience of using the Yahoo mail product, is to educate the customers on the email platform and the basic trouble shooting tips and techniques. In order to do so, the Yahoo Contact Number team has jotted down and made an extensive list of all the common issues and queries which customers generally complain of, the cause and source of the same and the basic trouble shooting tips and techniques which can be applied for their resolution. Customers are requested to go through the mails so as to get a basic idea on the common issues and fix them on the go. This would prevent them from intermittent blockages in operations that they have to undergo in case of technical glitches in the system.

However, there are certain issues which requires a better understanding of technology and which cannot be expected from customers. For such cases, customers are free to get in touch with the Yahoo Customer Care team. The team intercepts all customer issues and queries, and then based on the nature of the issue, forwards the complaint to the concerned team. A majority of the issues are forwarded to the technical support team for their prompt action. The team consists of more potent and technically adept members who help customers solve complicated problems which are more related to protocols, configurations etc. The team can be contacted via their toll free help line number which is active 24 * 7. However, this network experiences massive traffic and congestion during peak hours due to which a majority of customers have to wait on hold for long periods of time. In order to prevent such issues, all the support functions are provided through other platforms as well which includes mail, chat as well as via social media.